Sunday, March 3, 2019

Thoughts on joy

Where Do You Find Joy?

Where Do You Find Joy? | Image: Pixabay
Joy is something that gives us life. It is something that gets us out of bed in the morning. It is a lasting sense of positive meaning, something that not only survives the hard times but carries us through them. If that is the way we feel about something—or maybe more importantly, if we do not feel this way about something—we cannot ignore it in our discernment. God, I truly believe, does not call us to a life of misery and despair. And how could he? If what we are seeking is to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ, a life in which we seek to be in perfect union with the source of joy itself, the presence or absence of joy in our lives is a tremendous indication of how close we are to our right calling.

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