Friday, January 27, 2023

Thoughts on The Beatitudes

 The Beatitudes

In Sunday's Gospel St. Matthew portrays Jesus as the new Moses who teaches the people about God on the mountaintop. Jesus tells us that we are in a partnership relation with God and we are blessed when we try to live out God's values. Blessed when we are poor in spirit, acknowledging that all we have is God's gift and not what we've earned and deserve. Blessed when we mourn because we have loved another enough to miss them when God calls them home to Himself. Blessed when we hunger and thirst for what is right and good, just and peaceful, giving mercy and receiving forgiveness. Blessed when we refuse the primary value of this world which is pride and ego and blessed with the gift of humility, knowing who we truly are, clinging to our identity as God's beloved. The Beatitudes are Jesus' self-description. Let us ask for His grace to take on His values that others might recognize Him in us.

Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.

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