Friday, December 29, 2023

Thoughts on the Holy Family

 You and I are meant for love. We bask in it. We flourish in it. The Holy Family is a model of exactly that. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus regularly soak up Divine Love and then love each other with that same infinite Love. 

Because God is all Love, he can heal the wounds in our hearts caused by the lacks of love we've experienced in our own family of origin. He is the Divine Healer after all. As we experience his healing, we more easily pour ourselves out in love towards God, others, and ourselves. 

A renewal of family love in this life can only be the result of deep healing encounter with Jesus! He gives us the opportunity to start anew, to find love, to flourish in love, and to bestow ourselves generously in love. 

Let us open ourselves up in a Marian way (as she taught Saint Joseph to do!) so as to receive more love and thus pour it out on those around us. 

God wants to remake the Holy Family at least a million times over in the world. Be one of the million.

-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ

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