Friday, May 24, 2024

Thoughts on the Solemnity of God

 Sunday we celebrate the solemnity of God. It kind of has a funny ring to it. Indeed we are celebrating the solemnity of who God is, the Most Holy Trinity! Three persons in one nature, all giving themselves completely one to another and each exalting the other... 

You and I are made in the image of that holy communion. How is the Lord calling me to receive his gift of self more completely and subsequently make a complete gift of my own life? The more I give myself, the more I live in his likeness. We can never lose the image of God, stamped in our being, which defines how we are made to give ourselves to others. But we can certainly lose the likeness (consistently acting like God). 

As we ponder this awesome mystery of who God is--infinitely wonderful Creator, splendid in his authority and goodness, let us take a moment to ponder how we might please God's Trinitarian heart and be more like him, loving others with his love. The reality of this call may shock us. To what noble heights we are called in imitation of our Trinitarian Creator! 

-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ

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