Friday, June 21, 2024

Thoughts on the identity of Jesus


Calming of the Sea


In the calming of the sea episode presented by Mark in this Sundays gospel we have revealed as it were another piece of the puzzle of “Who is Jesus.” The disciples have come to know this former woodworker from Nazareth as a very wise, insightful, captivating and magnetic speaker. Often, he displays unusual and wonderful powers:  He cures the sick, drives out demonic spirits and at times it seems he can forgive sin.

In the calming the storm his disciples are amazed in seeing that he also has power over forces of nature. How could the disciples not have wondered now, as they have at many other times, who is this person, who is he. This question will perplex them throughout his life. It will only be after his death and resurrection and the sending of the Holy Spirit that the answer to the question ‘who is he’ will gradually begin to unfold.

Moreover, the disciples were not alone in their wondering. The early Church will debate this this question of Jesus’ identity for almost four centuries before officially pronouncing as an article of faith that Jesus is the Son of God, both fully human and fully divine.

Finally, after the sea is at rest, it is noteworthy what concerns Jesus about his disciples reaction: “Do you not yet have faith?”  For Jesus having faith in him is the most critical issue. We see this throughout his public life and again in the apparitions to his followers in his risen life.

We might well remember the prayer of the father who pleaded with Jesus to heal his son.  Jesus told him that all things are possible for those who believe. To which the father responded: “I do believe, help my unbelief.” (Mark 9, 23-25)

May we too pray for such a faith and belief in our lives.

Jim Blumeyer, S.J.

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