Friday, July 19, 2024

Thoughts on Jesus as our Shepherd

 He said, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while…”  His disciples returned from their journey excited and no doubt tired. What Jesus had planned for them was a time to relax and spend time together. What ensued was a clear picture of Jesus as the Shepherd, not only for his close followers but for those “other” sheep” who rushed ahead to meet him and be with him to get what they thought they needed from him.

As we imagine ourselves in the boat with him, what might we have felt when we saw a vast crowd of needy people, occupying this place of quiet refuge? The true picture of our Shepherd emerges: his heart is deeply moved by their condition: “sheep without a shepherd.” Jesus is not that shepherd described in our first reading, one who cares more for himself than for his people. He is the one we yearn for—the one who nurtures and protects and guides with strength and love.

Shepherding can be a daunting work for anyone who is called to care for others, to love unselfishly. And so, strengthened by this picture of Jesus and his shepherd’s heart, we can give thanks that he is our eternal companion—loving and guiding us as we journey with him. We are sheep who do have a shepherd!

Len Kraus, S.J.

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