Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thoughts on August

 How do you feel about August?  I feel like August does not get any respect.  It is in the middle of summer and in many places in the US, it is very hot and humid.  Perhaps you have heard the term, the Dog Days of Summer?  I believe they are referring to August.  Besides the heat, there are no national holidays in August, so no days off work without taking a personal day or using some vacation days.  Another thing that seems to give August a bad name is that August is the month when kids go back to school, so children and even parents dislike August for that reason as well.  Yes, August is very underrated and disliked by many.  So what are some good things about August?  Well, it's still summer time.  I don't know about you, but as I get older, I like summer way better than fall or winter.  You can wear shorts, t-shirts, flip flops or no shoes at all.  If you get hot, you can sit in the shade with a cool drink or go inside for some air conditioning.  Even pets prefer summer over winter.  I take my dog on walks that are twice as long in the summer versus the winter.  Yes, August gets overlooked, but when you think about it, it's not as bad as you think!

Scott W

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