Friday, October 11, 2024

Thoughts on possessions

   Rich Young Man

   Sunday's Gospel from St. Mark tells of Jesus' encounter with the young man who comes to him seeking reassurance that he's o.k. and has his priorities in order and will deserve eternal life. The Jews of Jesus' day, much like many Americans, believed that if God loved you, you would be healthy, wealthy and easy on the eyes. He qualified and was faithful to the commandments. Jesus looked at him with love and then challenged his attachment to all of his possessions. There's nothing wrong with having lots of good things, many are clearly God's gifts, but they don't define us or give us our identity and value. I'm reminded of the old observation: "You never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer."


We never hear about this young man again but I'm sure that he never forgot how he felt when Jesus looked at him with love. Possessions don't last but love does and Jesus' love transforms us and makes us into His followers. As Jesus tells Peter, "All things are possible for God."

Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.

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