Saturday, August 19, 2017

Back to School

Our children have once again made the transition from the carefree days of summer, to the regimented routine of a new school year.  In our household, we have 5 children going to 4 different schools!  Two high schoolers, a middle schooler, and two in elementary school.  That means different wake up schedules. different bus schedules, etc.  As a parent, there are a lot of things to do in the morning and afternoon to make sure that no one misses the bus or forgets their lunch or backpack.  But in our minds, it's good for them to have a routine and a purpose once again.  While summertime can be fun and exciting, after a while, sleeping in loses it's charm.  Boredom sets in and we feel like we have to entertain our kids.  It's too easy for them to gravitate to their iPhones and gaming devices.  So now they will have homework and reading to do instead.  Goodbye summer!  Thanks for the break and relaxation.  It's now time to forge ahead with the new challenges and expectations of a new year in education.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Summertime Blues

Now that we have turned the calendar into August, it's once again time to start thinking about the kids going back to school.  As a matter of perception, the summer break has gone by too fast for the children and has lasted too long for the parents.  Most items on our summer To Do list has been checked off by now.  Our one regret is that our family finances would not allow for a vacation trip to the beach or Disneyworld as the children would love visit.  Of course, when asked if they would be able to endure a 2 day drive to get there, they are not as enthused.  Flying would be preferred of course, but that would be an even bigger expense.  The reality of a family of seven is that taking trips is a very expensive proposition.  When our family income increases, we can hopefully check one of these bucket list items off the list as well.  Until then, staycations, day trips, and an occasional visit to grandma's house might be the norm.