"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed..."
Growing up on the farm, we raised a derivative of mustard called canola (from which we get the cooking oil). It too begins as a tiny seed and becomes a very large sinewy bush of fluorescent yellow color, almost too bright to believe it is natural.
So it is with faith. It starts small, but if rooted deeply in the humility of the earth, sets roots there, and pushes up through the ground with force, eventually stretching out strong sinewy branches, offering a habitat to the birds of the air. Faith inspired by the Holy Spirit is even dauntless; absolutely anything is possible, including uprooting everything larger around it. Faith makes a way. You and I have the mustard seed of faith already; it need only be exercised through our doubts and fears, such that God will grow it. Like mustard, mature faith begins to offer flavoring to the bland food of our world, making our somewhat insipid experiences meaningful. And its blinding brightness points directly beyond the natural to the ever-more evident Supernatural.
Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ