In the past and perhaps even still now, people will often ask, "What are you giving up for Lent this year?"
Because for years Catholics have been conditioned to give up something for Lent as a means of using that sacrifice as a way to draw yourself closer to God and to Jesus. For some, it became a change in daily habits for the good. And there's really nothing wrong with that. But, then Sunday comes around and you are permitted to let yourself have the thing you gave up for one day. Over time, giving up soda or chocolate, became a bore or a grudge. It didn't really help you become closer to God, it may have made you feel like it was just something that you were supposed to do during this season of the church, but it didn't make you happy.
Now, and for the past couple of years that I can recall, a new way of thinking has arose during the season of Lent. Instead of giving up something for God, what if we DO something for God. Something good, something meaningful? So we don't have to give up something, except eating fish on Fridays of course, we get to do something meaningful that should point me in the direction of God, or which will help me be a better disciple of Jesus. So what can we do? Well, we can pray, we can read the Bible, we can volunteer, we can give alms or give to the poor. These are all good things that we can do to focus on God, draw us closer to Jesus in a meaningful way, and become a better person all at the same time!
So if you are still giving up something for Lent, try something new and Do something for Lent!
May God bless you in whatever you do this Lent,