Tuesday, July 21, 2009

200 Days

Today I will take a time out from my usual discussions on money and finances, to state that I have now recorded 200 days of not drinking soda. While I have not lost as much weight as I anticipated, I feel good and I am sure my health is a little better for doing so. I do not feel any compulsion or need to ask for sodas when I go out for lunch or dinner, although I do have an ice tea occasionally.
My goal was and still is to make it through 2009 without drinking soda, but can now tell that since I do not miss it, I will probably continue on with water. One disturbing trend continues to be that more and more restaurants are beginning to charge for water as a way to make up for their lost soda revenue. If it were me, I would charge a little extra on the sandwich instead of making people pay up for their healthy habits!


Rich in Cincy said...

Well done on the un-cola campaign Scott... we will just have to drink beer in Boston instead :)

Scott Wheeler said...

Thanks Rich! Looking forward to seeing you and Melody this weekend in Beantown! Be sure to bring your map from 1964.