Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Know why you invest

Now that we are in September, many people may ask if they should get out of the market. Why? Because it's September! September has been a notoriously bad month for stocks in the past. There are a lot of reasons to get out of the market. Book profits. Raise cash for an emergency or planned expense. Rebalance your portfolio allocations. But should you sell just because the month on your calendar changed from August to September? Ask yourself if you are a long term investor or a short term trader. Will you need the money you have invested in the next 6 to 12 months? Perhaps you shouldn't be in the market in the first place. Are you saving for college expenses or retirement that is more than 10 years down the road? Stocks probably have a place in your portfolio. Everyone has different needs and objectives. Figure it out and discuss with your trusted advisers. Don't believe the hype on TV or in the internet chat rooms. Use volatility to your advantage.

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