Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl commercials

Well, it's Monday morning. Time to talk Super Bowl commercials. Which ones did you like? Which ones were a miss? Who got the best bang for their $3 million bucks? In case you want to review, here's a link to all the Super Bowl ads, broken down by quarter:

I personally liked the Budlight "Lost" and the Dodge Charger commercials the best. They were clever and funny. As much as some were talked about, I thought the E-Trade "Jealous Girlfriend", the VW "Punching Game" and the Doritos "Dog gets revenge" commercials fell a little flat. They were ok but not roll on the floor laughing, funny. I think E-Trade has kind of worn out the whole baby talking routine anyway.

So, that's my take, what was your opinion?

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