Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break

I've often thought it was a little odd that most schools take off for a "spring" break well before it is actually spring. As of today, March 11th, my kids will be enjoying the next 10 days off. Of course spring does not actually begin until March 21st. The same could be said for baseball's "spring" training which actually began in February! Why don't they call it winter training or late winter break? At any rate, it's nice to be able to take some time off and "spring" training does get people in the mood for spring and even better, warmer temperatures. So if you're lucky enough to take some time off and head to Florida or Arizona for some sun and fun...enjoy! As is true for many other things in life, some things, like "spring" break, can't be explained but have none the less become a fixture in the lives of many Americans.

1 comment:

Scott Wheeler said...

Don't forget to "spring" forward this weekend as we change time to Daylight Savings!