Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's your number?

As the leaves continue to fall, along with the temperatures, many motorcyclists are pondering the end of another riding season approaching. While unseasonably warm temperatures have been a welcome surprise the last couple of weeks, the signs that winter is approaching is all around us. The days are getting shorter and even with the temperatures hitting highs in the 70's, the mornings and evenings are noticeably cooler. For the motorcyclist who chooses to ride in cooler weather, this means wearing appropriate gear to handle the colder temperatures. Jackets and gloves are now a necessity, and even overpants or chaps are needed to keep legs warm on the morning rides. Depending on what type of bike you have, face protection may be needed as well. As the days continue to become cooler, with highs dropping into the 60's and later on, the 50's, every motorcyclist will have to decide when the joy of riding vanishes when faced with freezing wind chills while exposed to the elements. I have friends who will not ride when the temperature is below 60 degrees. I know others who ride as long as it's above freezing. For me, if it's 40 degrees or above and no rain in the forecast, I will ride. Obviously, during the week, I have to take into account my schedule. As my job requires me to wear a jacket and tie when meeting with clients, I have to factor in time to put my tie on and comb my hair once I reach my office or destination. But there is nothing like experiencing the open roads from a motorcycle. Driving a car does not compare. Luckily for Missourians, the motorcycle riding season is longer than most. While, not Florida, our winters can include days of unseasonably warm temperatures, so while the riding days are fewer, they don't have to go away completely. If you dress appropriately, you can enjoy the fresh air a little longer. Of course it doesn't hurt to hope for an Indian summer...

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