We All Need Healing
Rather than face what we fear, accepting that we need help, we deny our need for help, even to ourselves. At some point, we become so afraid of our wounds, so afraid of admitting we have a problem, that we hide our problems even from ourselves, engaging in mental gymnastics and reshaping the world so we can fit in as we are. We tell others we’re fine, and we begin to believe it ourselves. We remain the walking wounded, trapped by sin and pain, yet ignorant of our situation. This is a huge stumbling block on our spiritual journeys as disciples. We cannot call ourselves disciples, those who follow after Jesus and call him master, if we refuse to let him transform every part of us. None of us is perfect. All of us carry wounds. If we want to be his disciples, we must let go of our pride and fear, our willful ignorance and low expectations, and be vulnerable enough to let Jesus heal us.
—from the book Let Go: Seven Stumbling Blocks to Christian Discipleship
by Casey Cole, OFM, page 81
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