Friday, October 13, 2023

Thoughts on baptism

                   Our Destiny

   In Sunday's Gospel Matthew continues Jesus' confrontations with the Jewish priests and elders, those who refuse to believe that Jesus is anyone more than a phony and sacrilegious rabbi. He tells the story of the king who invited guests to the wedding banquet of his son but they refused to come. The king then invites everyone else to the party to fill the hall foretelling the spread of Christianity to all nations.


 In the first reading Isaiah describes heaven as an eternal banquet in the fullness of God's Kingdom. It's a passage often used in the funeral Mass expressing our hope and trust in Christ's promise of our salvation. In our baptism we are welcomed into the Body of Christ and given an invitation to that heavenly banquet at the end of our lives here. That's our destiny, our ultimate goal, thanks be to God. In the meantime we continue to RSVP.

Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.

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