Friday, May 3, 2024

Thoughts on love

  "Love one another as I love you." How amazing that we can actually do that: love each other with Divine Love! It is so much more than human love. And this Love is given to us as a fruit of Easter. The Holy Spirit is poured out ever anew upon Jesus' close friends (whom Jesus defines as those who follow his commandments) and the first two evident fruits of his presence are Divine Charity followed by Joy. Joy, we could say, is a "radiant belongingness." In joy we know to whom we belong and we radiate that belongingness to all around us.

As we continue this Easter season, preparing ourselves for Pentecost, we might ask Our Blessed Mother to teach us how to open ourselves more fully to the wholeness of God's Love. May this inflowing (and outflowing) Love--way beyond our human abilities--be coupled with an ebullient sense of belongingness which radiates from us as deep-down Joy.

-Fr. Anthony Wieck, SJ

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