Friday, February 28, 2025

Thoughts on honesty


Honesty in Speech

In Sunday's Gospel Jesus calls his disciples to do as he does and speak to one another from the love in their hearts.

Don't try to dominate, to prove wrong, to gain advantage, to show superiority. Jesus' message is always that of humility. He is the Son of God but chooses to be the Servant of All and he calls us to imitate him. He teaches us that we are all brothers and sisters and should speak to one another out of that truth. Be honest about who I am and who you are.

   Twelve Step groups recognize and value honesty as an absolute necessity in serene, peaceful living. They promote the practice of asking myself three questions before speaking to another: does this need to be said? do I need to say it? and does it need to be said now? If the answer to any is No; don't say it. Let us ask the Lord for his grace and help to be honest with ourselves and each other.

Fr. Ralph Huse, S.J.

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