Thursday, March 8, 2012

Let's Ride!

Now that we're into March, the official countdown has begun to spring. By my calendar it looks like only 13 more days. Of course, mother nature could cooperate and give us some warmer days before then, so motorcycle riders, commuters, and weekend warriors will check the weather every day for the temperatures and conditions that look right for them to hit the open road and feel the fresh air in their face. Bikers throughout most of the country have suffered through winter and with warmer weather coming, the urge to get out and ride becomes greater and greater! If they haven't done so already, it's time to charge the batteries, check the oil, and fill up the gas tank. The highways and byways beckon our call for the rush and freedom that can only be experienced on a motorcycle! So if you are driving in your car or pickup, be sure to watch out for motorcycles and give us a little room. The roads are there for everyone to share and share alike. Let the new riding season begin!

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