Saturday, May 25, 2019

Thoughts on today's culture

We exist in a stage of great cultural animosity right now. Never in my lifetime has there been more polarization, hatred and outright cruelty to fellow human beings. In this kind of environment, revenge and retribution always increase like turning up the heat on the fire. Insult flies against insult and anger escalates, and much of this can filter down into our personal lives. How we react as Christians in the marketplace to personal attacks or false accusations will be as strong a witness to Jesus Christ in our lives as anything. This can pertain to participating in conversations that take down someone else. Social media is rampant with this kind of thing and a large part of the reason why revenge and retribution are on the rise. We need to avoid this.

Stay on the high road. Leave vengeance to the Lord. Don't seek revenge. Don't try and take the other guy down. Don't rejoice in someone else's misfortune. No one's keeping score except the Lord, and the Lord is "not counting people's sins against them" (2 Corinthians 2:19) so why should we?  

In such a time as this, we need to be full of kindness and our speech seasoned with grace. If you've been offended, let God deal with the offenders. Like David, we have a higher calling. We represent a kingdom that contrasts the present age with grace turned outward. That shouldn't be new. That's what we're all about anyway.
John Fischer

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