When Jesus was transfigured, the three disciples with him on the mountainside with him were likely struck with a variety of feelings and emotions: amazed, overwhelmed, frightened as well as confused by what had occurred. To compound all of this is that Jesus’ only comment is to tell them not to discuss this with anyone until after he has risen from the dead. This statement must’ve left them even more perplexed.
I have wondered why in so many places in the Scriptures we find this event. One conclusion is that the Transfiguration occurred not so much for the disciples benefit but as for that of Jesus.
The Transfiguration event is akin to that of Jesus’ baptism. In both instances His Father is confirming and consoling and preparing Jesus for what he is doing and is about to do. At the time of the Transfiguration Jesus is ready to journey to Jerusalem where he will suffer his passion and death. This is a time when Jesus would certainly need confirmation, just as he needed for reassurance at his baptism when about to begin his public life and preaching.
What does this say to you and me? Recall that St. Paul tells us that Jesus is like us in all things except for sin. These incidents present excellent examples of this. At his baptism Jesus is about to embark on a way of life he is almost totally unfamiliar with. No wonder he will spend some time with John and his disciples. With them he will discover how to nurture disciples, how to draw crowds, how to preach to them, how to deal with people reacting in so many different ways, favorable, hostile, cynical to the message that he proclaims. Similarly, at the time of transfiguration, he is about to go to Jerusalem, the stronghold of his bitter enemies, some of whom have either tried or vowed to destroy him. All of this demands of Jesus' incredible determination and courage.
And so as Jesus ponders this and prays, his Father touches him in a most unique way telling him that he is doing the right thing. Moreover, the Father does this in a manner that provides Jesus a foretaste and confirmation of the incredible outcome that will result from the ordeal of the Jerusalem trials and tribulation. What a blessed and wonderful experience the Transfiguration is for Jesus.
Jesus sought and needed in the most difficult and mysterious moments of his life his Father’s affirmation and encouragement that He is indeed doing his father’s will. We too need this and we too should seek this.
-Fr. Jim Blumeyer, SJ
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