Sunday, August 27, 2023

Thoughts on virtues


Powerful Gifts

book opened | Photo by Emily Park on Unsplash

“Now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”—1 Corinthians 13:13

The three Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love bring you and me into a direct relationship with God. Of course, love is the greatest of the three, but hope is the most important. If I have faith in God’s intimate personal, presence to me, I have hope. I am free to love more. And the opposite is true. A world without hope soon becomes a world without love. Hope is nourished by faith in God’s unconditional love. Faith brings that which seems hopeless within one’s reach. Faith gives birth to hope, which gives birth to love. A person of faith is not necessarily the one who only believes that God can do everything, but rather the one who believes that he and she can obtain everything from God. The saints often taught that we obtain from God as much as we hope for from him. Hope and pray with a peace that comes from trusting God’s love for you.

Please increase in me these powerful gifts from you: faith, hope and love. I need your help to live them. Amen.

 —from the book Three Minutes with God: Reflections and Prayers to Encourage, Inspire, and Motivate
by Monsignor Frank Bognanno

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