Saturday, December 28, 2024

Thoughts on the Holy Innocents


As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, we remember the tragic 

massacre ordered by King Herod, who sought to destroy the Christ Child. 

These innocent children, martyred for Christ, fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah 

and are honored by the Church as the first to lay down their lives for the Savior.

Herod’s tyranny stands in stark contrast to the reign of the Immaculate Heart 

of Mary, who suffered deeply as she witnessed the suffering of these children. 

Her heart, full of grace and sorrow, is a beacon of hope and intercession for 

us in times of trial!

The Holy Innocents remind us of the purity and sacrifice required in the 

battle between good and evil.  In turning to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, we find 

guidance, strength, and peace in the face of life’s darkest moments.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Christopher P. Wendt
International Director
Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima

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