Monday, January 19, 2009


Sleep tonight
And may your dreams
Be realized
If the thunder cloud
Passes rain
So let it rain
Rain down him
So let it be
So let it be

Sleep tonight
And may your dreams
Be realized
If the thundercloud
Passes rain
So let it rain
Let it rain
Rain on him

These lyrics to the song MLK by U2, are very interesting now, as we get ready to usher in a new president tomorrow, a president who is African-American. I wonder if Martin Luther King, Jr. ever thought that this could happen in America. Now his dreams have been realized. Of course there is more that can and needs to be done to erase prejudice, racism, and bigotry in this country, but we are moving forward. President-elect Obama will help make Americans see people of color in a new light. Perhaps not with rose colored glasses, but at least with better focus and sharpness. We are all of one race anyway.

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