Friday, January 16, 2009

The Water Experiment update

I've been getting a lot of inquiries from my readers about how my water experiment is going, so I thought I would use today's blog to give you an update. Today is the 16th day of the new year and so far I have not had one soda. Oh, a little background for my new readers and any guests who might be reading my blog for the first time. My New Year's resolution this year, like many people, was to lose weight. But I chose to go about it a little differently. I have always hated diets and have found them too complicated or too difficult to carry out for long periods of time and have concluded that that is why most people abandon them after a short while. My idea was to make losing weight simple and easy. So I created The Water Experiment. I thought of an area in my diet and non-healthy lifestyle, that I could improve or eliminate. I chose to give up sodas for the entire year (just sodas) and replace my soda consumption with water. I figured that water was good for you and obviously better than sodas, even diet sodas, which I have also disliked (except for Diet Dr. Pepper). The results? So far, after a little over two weeks into the year, I have lost 5 pounds. In addition, I have concluded that I am also saving a fair amount of money, at least a dollar or more a day, by not purchasing sodas at the restaurants I visit. As a public service to my readers, I have also been keeping a list of the eating establishments that encourage (or at least do not discourage) water drinkers by giving them regular drinking cups. In addition, I have been keeping a log (kind of a blacklist) of those dining places that make water drinkers feel unwelcome or cheap, by giving them "special" water cups instead of what the soda drinkers get. So here now is the list of what I call Water Supporters (note, some of these places my not be in your area as I live in St. Louis, MO):

Burger King
Taco Bell
Jack in the Box
The Pasta House
White Castle
CJ Muggs

Now, here is the list of who I refer to as Water Discriminator's:

Einstein Bros Bagels
St. Louis Bread Co.
Panara Bread
The Fatted Calf
Lion's Choice

I will say that at St. Louis Bread Co., I did ask the cashier for a regular cup and she gave me one, so negotiation can be effective on a case by case basis. On the other hand, Bread Co. has the smallest "special" water cups and they place them by the soda machine to make you feel even more "not part of the plan"! Obviously, I will continue to keep updating my lists and will eventually put them on my blog permanently (on the right-hand column). Well, that's a wrap for now. I have to think about where I will go to lunch today...


Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you think of them as water discriminators. While I drink soda (diet) at home, I typically don't out, because I refuse to pay the 2+ dollars, I have never thought ill of the dining places who give small water cups. They have to distinguish the soda cups from the water cups somehow....otherwise everyone would just order water and then fill the regular cups up with soda for free! What would be nice is if the water cups could just be regular size but clear, but that would cost more $$ for the fast food joints and then we would probably have to pay something for our "free" water.

I'll stick with the small cups.

Congrats on the 5lbs weight loss!!

Scott Wheeler said...

Well, I see your point but if so many other restaurants can give out regular cups, why can't they all? The water discriminators make you feel bad for ordering water, and the clear cups do not work with the lids either. I appreciate your comments, thanks for writing!

Jaelithe said...

Ah ha! You have discovered my secret to good teeth and a healthy weight.

I stopped drinking soda almost entirely TEN YEARS ago. I've replaced it with water and tea (the latter of which I generally have without sugar.) I only drink soda under two circumstances: one, if I am at a party or something and am very thirsty and there is NOTHING else to drink, and two, very, very rarely, as a dessert item when I'm at a place where soda is a theme or they have some special kind of soda (like, for instance, if I'm at Fitz's, I might have a root beer float or something.)

I wish more people would try limiting their soda consumption. I really think excessive soda drinking is one of the causes of the obesity epidemic. Our bodies were just not designed to handle one to three cups of liquid sugar a day, you know? I hope you can stick with it!