Monday, November 17, 2014

The Poor Will Always be Among Us

The great thing a good homily or sermon does, is that it hits you with fresh ideas or thought provoking comments that hopefully, will cause you to act out in a positive way.  Today's Saint of the Day, is Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, who lived in the 13th century.  She spent much of her short life caring for the sick and the poor of her day, and was a shining example for others to follow for years and centuries to follow.

Many churches and organizations run food and clothing drives this time of year as the holidays approach.  They are all good and helpful to the needy in our local areas as winter and cold weather sets in.  But, as our priest said today during his homily at morning Mass, the poor don't just need food during November and December!  They are hungry and need our help all year round.

He was right!  While it's certainly good to give during this time of year when we pause to thank God for all He has given us and provided for us, we should also remember to take care of the poor and needy around us, all year long.  Jesus said, the poor you will always have with you, and in Deuteronomy 15 it says:  There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.

So think of a way that you and your family can give back to the community and help the poor throughout the year.  One thing we do is give to the St. Vincent DePaul society on a regular basis, not just at year end.  Our church also has a Tithing for Poor offering each month.  If you are more hands on, there are many charity organizations who are looking for volunteers to help out from time to time. While there are many good organizations that work with the poor and needy worldwide, don't forget about the people and charities in your own backyard.

Everyone can and should give, even if it's just a dollar, or a few hours of our time.  Pray to God to show you how and where you should give, and He will make a way.  You will feel better and it will draw yourself closer to Him in the process.  Let Saint Elizabeth of Hungary be an example to us all.

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