Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What are your gifts?

In the book of Romans, in chapter 12, Paul talks about how we all have different gifts, according to the grace given to us by God.  As a new Catholic, I became interested and fascinated by the Mass.  What was going on?  Standing, sitting, bowing, kneeling.  How do you know what to do or what to say?  Like anything, it takes practice.  I started going to the 6:30 AM morning Mass, which was even a little different in that some things were added and some were omitted.  When my son wanted to become a server, or alter boy, I asked myself...what about me?  What can I do in and for the church?  It's kind of hard to get kids to serve for the 6:30 Mass so they have adults do it.  I felt like this was something that I could do to help me learn more about the Mass and serve the church.  What a great experience it is!  I just got back from serving in this morning's Mass.  You really feel a part of the Mass and experience it first hand when you are a server.  Setting the alter for communion, bringing the prayer book for the priest to read, and of course, ringing the bells during the prayer of consecration.  I felt so close to God. What about you?  Do you feel close to God?  Why or why not?  What can you do to draw yourself closer to Him?  Read chapter 12 of Romans and pray to God to ask Him what you can do you utilize your gifts from God.  God bless you as you use your gifts to serve The Lord!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice - I enjoy serving the Mass in that capacity also. I really love it when my boys serve - makes my heart want to jump right out of my chest! :) and you are right....it does give us a better appreciation as a whole.