Now here's who could get hurt by the new rules, people who pay their balance every month. A lot of people use their credit cards responsibly and do not carry balances subject to high interest rates and fees. Because of this, they only use credit cards with no annual fee. Credit card companies ironically call these people "deadbeats" because they do not make a lot of money on them for obvious reasons. With the new credit card rules coming, some people speculate that credit card companies and banks will begin charging annual fees to everyone, as a way to make up for the lost revenue of cutting back on finance charges to others. For more on this take read here:
Now this won't happen right away, but it pays to start keeping a closer eye on your statements and mailings from your credit cards. Credit cards aren't bad if used properly. The trick is to stay in control of your cards, and not let the credit cards be in control of you! I just got a $250 check from my Chase Freedom cash back card! Thanks Chase!
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