Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twitter Tales

I promise not to talk about the Swine Flu today.  Instead I want to share some disturbing news for the folks at Twitter:  Oprah is already bored of Twitter!  In fact, 60% of Twitters users quit after one month!  Now I have been on Twitter a little longer than Oprah, and although I am not "bored" with it, I have been at times, annoyed.  You see, of all the people that I have signed up to follow,  most of them send out bland "tweets" or updates.  I don't care what Newt Gingrich is having for dinner.  I'm not impressed by what radio show John McCain is scheduled to be interviewed on.  I want inside scoop!  I followed Ryan Seacrest for over a week, and he never had one mention of American Idol.  What?  That's what people want to hear.  What does amaze me is that there are people I do not know who decide to follow me.  How did they find me?  Are they looking for a different Scott Wheeler?  The composer or the political insider?  Here's what I know so far, I have 10 followers on Twitter, but 192 "Friends" on Facebook!  Well, I need to think of something clever to "Tweet" to my followers!  Follow me @scottjwheeler or send me a friend request!  I hope I get a good update from Nick Swisher today.

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